December 15, 2010

Customization: The Bride of The Water God

I feel kinda bored. So here's what i've done to kill time: editing images using photoshop. Actually i'm not really skillfull with photoshop. All i do was cropping, resizing, cutting layer, filtering, and moving the image to another background. It's that simple^^ Like this one
The Bride of the Water God image compile with abstract wallpaper

And another one (still using the same image)
I like this one better than the previous one (because i like the background colour) so i set it as my desktop wallpaper right away^^

still, another one
First time trying image masking with photoshop.. it's quite difficult. But thanks to some tutorial that i found, i understand more about the steps.
I think the outcome is pretty good for an amateur like me ヘヘ (lol)

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