August 16, 2012

Sweet Escape #1 - Karimun Jawa Island

Last May, I went on vacation with my best friends, Tia and Dieta. We bought a 3D2N package tour to Karimun Jawa Island from Indo Travel Tour for IDR 750K/person ($90). The package included meals, home stay, two ways (return) transport by bus Jakarta-Jepara, ferry ticket, hopping island tour guide, and snorkeling fees.

Our trip to Jepara was a very very long journey and so tiring (about 12 hours by bus, and 7 hours by ferry since the tide was high). However, as we arrived in Karimun, i felt that it was all worth it! What an eye candy view.^^

We stayed in local's home, and hopping tour to 5 islands (Pulau Menjangan Kecil, Menjangan Besar, Cemara Besar, Geleyang, Genting). I forgot our snorkeling spot's name, but it's near Menjangan, Cemara, and Geleyang.

The. undersea. scenery. truly. was. very. beautiful.

No more talks, just check out the proof ;)


That was my first time snorkeling and it was fun! Although I can't swim or diving, I really enjoy it.
Such a precious moment to admire God's creation, the beauty of nature. :)

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