August 15, 2012

Re: Alistair

Game Title: Re: Alistair
Company: Sakevisual
Type: Doujin Game
License: Free
Release Date: 02.28.10
Genre: Otome, Slice of  Life
Rating: All Ages
Platform: PC only
Story: You play as Merui, who loves playing MMORPG Rivenwell Online. However while playing Rivenwell, one day a random guy named “Alistair” comes out of no where stealing her rare item from her! Furious, she finds out that this Alistair is actually someone in her school, so Merui decides that she will exact her revenge on him once she finds out who he really is.
There are 3 guys who are suspected to be Alistair: Travis, the computer club's president ; Shiro, your classmates and your presentation partner; also Derek, the student council's vice president and a basketball team member. You have to find out who Alistair is in a month if you want to get your rare item back. This game has the main function of choosing places to eat your lunch during break and places to go after you finished school. There's also a raising stat element you need to pay attention to, which is a key for any of the guys. To raise your stats you have to decide whether to study, watching tv, surf the net, etc. Also if you earn money, you can buy various things at the mall that can increase your stats or impress the guys. If you get the right items, you'll get a bonus ending story for each guy :)
This game is quite short, it took me only 30 minutes to play. My first ending was with Travis. He reminds me of my sister's bff >.<. I didn't get his bonus story at first since i didn't know what special items he likes. After some hunting for walkthrough, i could get his bonus story n_n. However, I thought his bonus story is rather plain than the other guy's. My fav story is Shiro (he's my fav character too), second is Derek coz there are lots of doki-doki moment in the end. ^^
I'd say that this game probably the best doujin otome game in english so far. It has a clean artwork, good storyline and on top of it all: it's FREE. :D I really like the sound effect in this game, and the music is very suitable with the ocassions. Too bad that the characters are unvoiced -_-

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